sourcedoc: zzVocab-D1

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=== 13.01.06


accursed cell

cell that a cursor is on.


equivalent of an applicationóa program for a specific user purpose, but created simply byó

ï particular dimensions

ï special cell type (if needed)

ï special progcell (if needed)

ï special views (if needed).

Note that ìfamily treeî is an applitude that only required

ï dimensions d.marriage, d.children

ï a particular cell to represent the marriage, with a plus-sign to indicate that there are children


viewing relationship on which a dimension may be shown. The same axis may be successively assigned to different dimensions in turn.

cell (corresponding to ëatomí in Lisp)

unit of construction and visualization which may contain data or programs. A cell may have a type. Typically a cell is a unit.

connection (in ZigZag)

a connection in ZigZag is between two cells along a specific dimension. It has a direction (posward or negward). A connection may not have a type.


(n.) a cell containing the same contents as another cell (its master); (v.) to make a clone cell.


two cells are coplanar if there is a path between them in the plane (d.A,d.B)

cosmology (of ZigZag)

the rules of the ZigZag universe.


mechanism which shows what cell are being referred to in a given window. Two cursors are standard but more or less are possible.


mechanisms, e.g. ringranks, for making things work in ZigZag.

dimensions (in ZigZag)

a dimension is a property of a zigzag connection that is used for sequential viewing, stepping and other operations. It is like a dimension in a table or spreadsheet, but unlike a dimension in Euclidean space. It presents a visually plausible structure upon which consistent operations can be performed.


loop of dimensions; convenient for stepping through dimensions.

gattle (cf. Gatling gun)

mechanism for sorting zzstructures by firing them from the mechanism on one side into selected arrangements on the other.


Planned layout of cells for the userís main work area.

KBLANG or Kblang (Keyboard LANguage)

The standard ZigZag two-handed keyboard interface.

Kblang macro (not yet working)

stored series of Kblang operations, to be reenacted as a progcell. Can include execution of progcells.



monotonic table

zzstructure without twists or loops; possible to be drawn on a sheet of paper without crossing ranks.

operative dimension

dimension that does something, such as the clone dimension. Other operative dimensions that have been tried include ìd.containî together with ìd.contained-setî. A key operative dimension should be d.xeq, intended as a simple way of implementing spreadsheet function.


focusing on a particular cell, changing the dimensions on which it is viewed.


connected set of zzcells in two dimensions (d.A,d.B). (See ëcoplanarí.)


a special cell indicating a connection to be made when two slices are co-resident in the machine.


cell containing a program, either created with a language outside ZigZag or as a Kblang macro.


series of connected cells in a given dimension.


rank whose last cell connects to its first; loop.


a file representing some section of zzspace. When two slices having mutual connections are in the machine at once, they connect up automatically through the preflet mechanism.

sworf (same as in Xanadu)

sworfing refers to visual swooping and morphing. When an object swoops, it moves to a new coordinate position. When an object morphs, its internal points change to different coordinate position. The term ësworfingí unifies the two conceptsóeither swooping, morphing or both happening at the same time.


zz configuration where two parallel ranks are connected in two directions on another dimension.


a view in ZigZag is a way of presenting the structure to the user. It typically has a ëraster,í or sequence of cells to be shown. It is necessary to sworf between views for the user to understand the relationships. (In 2D this is done by refreshing the raster behind the scenes to find the position and size of each cell, but that creates a picture where the cells furthest from the center of refreshment are visually in front; these relations are then reversed in order for the accursed cells to be in front, and the refreshment outward to put the other cells behind.)


sequence of master cells for views, arranged in a loop.


replicated zzstructures in a stacked arrangement, such as the family tree structure.


the imaginary or notional space in which zzstructure lives. Zzspace is typically inconsistent and irregular, so it is unlike most mathematical spaces, which are volumes that enclose objects of interest.


the system of connection inf ZigZag, or anything created within the system.




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